Treated calcined kaolin
Multibrite is a surface-modified calcined kaolin specifically developed for high performance polymer applications. Specially selected calcined kaolin feed material is coated with silane coupling agents. The high purity, low residue feed combined with the optimised coating process give Multibrite an ideal balance of excellent properties.
The Company Over 30 Years’ Expertise in Rubber and Plastics
Küttner GmbH is a distributor of raw materials for the rubber-processing industry and the plastics industry. Our portfolio encompasses polymers, TPEs, carbon blacks as well as additives. In addition, we are pleased to share our experience and expertise in the development of formulations and offer competent, applications-oriented advisory services in the development of rubber and plastic components. http://www.kuettner-gmbh.com/start.htm
Multibrite is a surface-modified calcined kaolin specifically developed for high performance polymer applications. Specially selected calcined kaolin feed material is coated with silane coupling agents. The high purity, low residue feed combined with the optimised coating process give Multibrite an ideal balance of excellent properties.
The Company Over 30 Years’ Expertise in Rubber and Plastics
Küttner GmbH is a distributor of raw materials for the rubber-processing industry and the plastics industry. Our portfolio encompasses polymers, TPEs, carbon blacks as well as additives. In addition, we are pleased to share our experience and expertise in the development of formulations and offer competent, applications-oriented advisory services in the development of rubber and plastic components. http://www.kuettner-gmbh.com/start.htm
Kaolin 高嶺土 在國外,這種泥土遍佈在利摩日(Limoge)和不列塔尼地區。由於高嶺土質地中性、觸感溫和以及吸附性強,所以成為美容與藥妝界最常用的泥漿。對於臉部的幫助可代謝老化角質,增加皮膚柔嫩感,帶給透亮的光澤度。(一般超敏感性肌或皮膚薄肌膚,建議少量使用)
高嶺土 原料 等級明細表 (Calcined Kaolin Microbrite C80/95 C1 )
選用德國 Kuttner GmbH 面膜專用等級的高嶺土,它質地細膩、無毒、不刺激,比一般高嶺土更親膚,適度吸附黯沉與油脂,具有白瓷肌號稱。對於添加在產品上能亮白拋光等效果,與維他命B12結合更有加乘之效。
★★★★★ 代謝黯沉角質
★★★★★ 亮白度
★★★ 拋光性
★★★ 白瓷感
選用德國 Kuttner GmbH 面膜專用等級的高嶺土,它質地細膩、無毒、不刺激,比一般高嶺土更親膚,適度吸附黯沉與油脂,具有白瓷肌號稱。對於添加在產品上能亮白拋光等效果,與維他命B12結合更有加乘之效。
★★★★★ 代謝黯沉角質
★★★★★ 亮白度
★★★ 拋光性
★★★ 白瓷感